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Money-Saving Tips

As a child, I was known as ‘the miser’ of the family. I am and always have been a frugal person. It would bother me to pay full price for something, especially since I’ve worked in retail and have seen the mark-ups for various products.

I save between $10,000 and $12,000+ a year!

I save between $10,000 and $12,000+ a year in many ways (this does not include any coupons we use for groceries).

Please know that I am not an extreme coupon person because frankly, I would not spend 4-7 hours grocery shopping! While I applaud these people for their fanaticism, determination, drive, and perseverance, that is not for me. I can save with regular coupons matching them with store sales. Plus, I don’t have the room to stockpile items and none of the grocery stores in my city have a double-coupon day. Booo!!!! I keep suggesting it to the most common grocery store but they’re so big, they’re never going to do it. šŸ˜¦

One note about coupon shopping: I rarely buy processed foods, so most of the products that have coupons are not on my grocery list except for some toiletries, medicines, and paper goods. I am also a loyal brand user, something that does not align with major ‘couponing’. You have to be willing to switch brands of food goods or items and I refuse to do that. If I’m paying hard-earned money to buy food to eat, I’m going to make damn sure the food is a higher quality and we will enjoy eating it. Otherwise, I’m just throwing money away. And, really, who wants to eat store-brand pasta that has sub par and/or added ingredients and tastes like cardboard? Not me!!!

Now, all money-saving ideas don’t only come from grocery shopping savvy; it is living a certain lifestyle and everyone must ask themselves some hard questions.

  • Do I really need this or do I really want this?
  • Can I do without this or do I have to have this for my house, apartment, job, or myself?
  • How will this help me improve my life?
  • Can I afford this right now?
  • Can I wait for this item to be on sale to buy it?
  • Do I already have plenty of these but I just can’t find them?

All of these questions and many more can help you fine-tune your lifestyle to suit your income without going into debt.

The real question is: are you willing to have an honest, heart-to-heart conversation with yourself and your family?

Once you’re all on the same track, you’ll find your family will discover new ways to save money for bills, or vacation, or that special item, and you’ll be passing on a financially smart legacy to your children and grandchildren.

Please be sure to click on Money-Saving Tips under the Categories section in the right sidebar to read all posts on this topic. Thanks! :)

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